Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 25 April-20

Today is the last day of my internship, as there is no time for me to do anything during this stage, so I was just there to chill and maybe if they need a little help I could help

I’m still waiting for my work to be approved and done, but they say it usually takes about 2-3 days for them to approve the work and implement it on their account.

During these 25 days, I sure learned a lot, such as how to handle the interview, and how to communicate with my colleagues. Skillwise, I learned a lot about Photoshop and the use of design elements on luxurious brands, my work started really rough, but with a lot of grind the work was more refined and eventually good enough to be posted. I feel with all the skills I learned I could definitely use them for my future work finding and 3D model creating. I’m glad I got to be doing my internship At LMG and I hope they will be more popular and become the top Chinese social media advertising platform in Australia.

Hours: 8hrs

Total hrs: 200hrs(Done)

UPDATE: My work Got approved


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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 24 april-18

Today I got the green light from the client, I get to have my work be one of the advertising articles for WoS.

So today it is the preparation for the posting.

Apparently, the WeChat article is working as posting Sections of images one at a time and connecting them to make a continuous article. Therefore I got told how to cut the work into sections and send it to them when I’m done.

After cutting up the work, I sent those to them and they will build up a test page to see if there are any flaws so I could do a quick fix.

After some time, the build page was available, all in all, it looked good, but there were some little flaws such as the little section from the previous cuts were overlapped so the second one due to the miscalculation of the height. So took my time to fix it and finally, it is sent for approval, after it is done, they will post it on their account.

Hours: 8hrs

total hrs: 192hrs

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 23 April-17

I got noticed that our supervisor still prefers design 1 better, therefore today I aim to finish this design and hope it will be sent to the client.

The pressure really hit differently when your work has the potential to be used as an official advertisement, During the adjustment I kept finding those minor spots that do not satisfy me which I don’t usually see. After a bunch of minor adjustments, I still do not feel the information section is luxurious or fit enough to the theme. The overall gives me a road feel but no sign of the poster elements. Therefore I decided to get back to the scrolling element, but instead of having all four in one scroll, I made them into four scrolls, each page with the big poster and the information on another.

The supervisor liked this idea as well, therefore I adjusted some assets placement and send the final work to the supervisor.

Hrs worked: 8hrs

Total Hours: 184hrs.

Work: Drive

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day-22 april-13

The feedback was out today, the supervisor liked the initial design of not having the 4 poster side by side and asked for me to improve this and hopefully, I can finish it before next week.

As the template for the design is pretty much set therefore I’m going to add decoration based on the information in the article.

Things I’ve added

Design 1:
close up Image of leather & stitching to correlate the article.

Road texture on the 4 watch section.

Made the second gif like it is displayed in an old theatre.

Design 2:

Adjusted some of the position of the font.

Made the Watch section into posters with “scroll for more information” adjustment.

The supervisor says this can be considered done but he hopes for little more detail, and ask me if I can spend a little bit of time to refine it at home.

Hours Worked: 8hrs

Total Hours: 176.

Link to work: Drive

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day-21 april-11

Today I received another WoS Article draft and asset and this time they plan to have one of our work to be published in WoS.

Considering my Intern ends soon, This will be the only chance for me to have something published officially.

The Article is about Breitling, releasing the 4 Top Time series with the theme of old sort cars. After a brief look at the article and the image asset, I immediately decided to use their poster style as the general style for this design and have the base color black.

I started to lay out the article and the image in the draft so that I can think of how to design it later. What I found out is, using the color black and white at the start is too plain. it doesn’t add depth of space to it.

And at the watch part, the information is a bit too much which made it seems crowded, but if I drag it out the general article is too long as well.

In order to fix those, I decided to put in some grey circular gradient for to have this smoke-like effect. which immediately made it much better in my eyes.

As for the Information part, I removed some assets (the transparent watch in the background) and it looked much cleaner, but it is still crowded for me, so I tried another design on a separate file. I made the fore poster into the scrolling view style so you could view the watch one by one, and it makes the design clean as well.

I posted the two designs at the end of the day, hoping the supervisor would pick one of them to let me evaluate more.

Link to Work: Drive

Hours Worked: 8 Hours

Total Hours: 168 hours

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 20 April-6

Today was the day to present, I was a bit nervous as I thought I had to present in front of the entire company, but thankfully it was only between the interns and the supervisor.

The supervisor called us into the meeting room at 11 am but before any of us start presenting, the supervisor said he will be concluding some of the advice first. He went through various elements with examples wishing we could think of and use them in future designs.

The Elements are:

Use of the decoration elements:

  • The size, amount, scaling, shape, and color.

  • An example is one of the articles with a crowded element, He let us have a brief ready, and later it is found that we did not catch any of the information.

Use of GIF

  • Most of the work we have in WoS consists of the structure of Font->Image-> Font-> Image and so on, some times Image being a GIF instead, The supervisor wanted to have us design a frame to blend in the gif with the article if time allows, showing an example of a wave animation being used in a beach picture.

Use of FX Fonts

  • Most of us interns do not like to give the font an Fx, such as giving it a color, changing size to emphasis, or even using different font styles.

After the supervisor finished his conclusion, he said he had another meeting so he quickly left the meeting room, which led to us Interns exchanging the conclusion only.

Hours Worked: 8 hours

Total Hours: 160hrs.

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 19 April-4

Today I continue to make the presentation slides.

I’ve made several comparison lists of how I did the design change after each feedback, how I keep my file, how to manage layers etc.

There will be no work for this week until the 6th of April.

hrs: 8hrs

Total Hrs: 152hrs

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 18 April-3

The supervisors are hosting a little workshop for interns on the 6th of April, and we were asked to put up a presentation with the content being:

  1. Choose one of your best-designed works, and explain your design Idea.

  2. How did you apply the change to the design after you got the feedback?

  3. conclude what you have learned from work.

Therefore the work for interns now is to make a slide and be ready to present on the 6th of April.

And today I decided to construct the general structure of how I want to present, I constructed a rough presentation slide and started to fill in the information according to the requirement as I go through it.

For the slide, I’m designing it with a blurred background just like how I used to design the WoS

And I’m going to use all my past work as my example and explain the strategy I use.

hrs: 8hrs

Total hr: 144hrs

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 17 MAr-30

Today I decided to scrap all the design and entirely redesign this article. This is the first time I’ve done this kind of decision, the reasons being that I find the overall design very dirty, and no matter how much I change it, it just does not satisfy me, let alone the supervisor. I found that the decision of using Bokeh was a mistake and it limited my creativity because I keep seeing those elements.

After a long time of trying to make the design work, I decided to have the theme dedicated to the watch instead of Kate, as Kate's story is the build-up for the watch.

Therefore I went with the Picture with blur background( Don’t know the name) theme as that’s the best theme that I could handle and I find it suitable for this article, It brings out the luxury feel, and I the depth from the blurred background can highlight the big clear watch asset.

Draft_10(unfinished): First draft of the new design

Draft_11: removed the effect from the watch section and changed the color from silver to dark for consistency reasons. Added background assets to correlate the article.

Draft_12: Changed the gear image to F1 as it looks odd, Shrunk the size of the diamond, and changed the first watch image asset to correspond with the background color.

Hrs: 8hrs

Total Hours: 136hrs

Link to Drive: Work

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 16 mar-28

The feedback on the last work was given today, They said it is starting to come together, but several points are needing to fix.

  1. The top section looks fine but it is still a bit odd compared to the rest of the article

  2. The asset of the Old TV kind of ruins the article.

  3. Some of the watch asset sizes need adjustment and merging into the background.

Today I worked the entire day improving the design.

Draft_3: Removed the TV asset, and decorated the first section with circles. Adjusted some assets.

Draft_4: Added some Background Bokeh effect, and adjusted the watch assets.

Draft_5: adjusted the Bokeh color, Changed the watch theme to yellow as well. Added some extra effect for consistency purposes.

Draft_6: Adjusted the size of the big assets, and the gap of each text to the image.

Draft_7: added transparency to the top section and size change to fit the theme. Removes the wave effect due to it being the misfit.

Draft_8: I Got told that the watch section lacks a luxury feel. Therefore I redesigned the watch section. Added the Bokeh effect at the top due to it being too blank, adjusted the Bokeh with font position.

Draft_9: Made a Watch asset bigger.

hrs: 8hrs

Total hrs: 128hrs

Link to Drive: Work

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day15 MAr-27

The Feedback was given after I submitted the first draft, they said they did not understand why the first section of the article is black and white. And the watch section is too plain, and I was suggested to separate the sections according to the article as well.

After the feedback I received, I begin to improve the design, I removed all the top assets and changed the background to white, found some vibrant-looking assets, then sectioned the article into 3. The intro, Kate, and the Watch.

now I can start to decorate the article, by researching some themes I’ve found my way to the Theme “Bokeh”, the camera effect when you unfocus the background cause the light source to become multiple round blobs in the background. And I decided to decorate the article with this theme.

As in the middle of the article I used warm color (orangeish) so I decided to source the Bokeh effect in that color palate. As the article mentions Kate’s Lune Croissanterie, therefore I chose the bread color to correlate with it and had it as the main color theme.

When I work my way to the watch section, I realize I could use the circle shape to manage the awkwardly cropped large asset, as it fits the ‘Bokeh’ them.

At the End of the day, I submitted the final design.

hrs: 8 hours

Total hours: 120hrs

Link to drive: Work

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day 14 Mar-23

Something special happened today, the designer announced that she will quit the job next week, which means there will be no one making the next article for the WoS. The mission now has passed to our intern’s hand. I and another internship student who is also from RMIT will be designing this article and one of them may be selected to be posted.

The post is about an introduction of another individual, then change into watches. This is the style I’m not familiar with the most, but this time I have a little experience so I think I will do a bit better than last time.

I wanted to use the color black as the main background color, then lead into silver or white for the watch part as the watches are mainly silver, and lighter color will be easier to show the luckiness, this time I decided to use canvas for some extra asset as the protagonist this post revolves are Kate Reid, that means I need some image reference for the F1 element and “Lune Crossanteries”. With all the assets I found, I referred to the style I made with the South Africa Oscar article I did before, Balck with grey gradient, Then transitioned it into the watch with white.

The first draft then is done at the end of the Day.

Hours Worked: 8hrs

Total Hours: 112hrs

Link to Work: Drive

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day13 mar-21

Today I got a new design to make, this time it is just about the watch, so it will be easier to manipulate.

The asset files ate mostly watches, with few other photos of views, buildings, parts, etc. With a brief look, I decided to have the view right at the start and merge the image and the background with a gradient. then lead to some pattern designing with the images, later transitioning into the introduction of the watch.

When I was cropping the image I realized the image is awkwardly short, but if I zoom it in it is awkwardly large. So I went on YouTube to seek a tutorial to fill the blank area and I learned content-aware. With this tool, I can fill or alter the image seamlessly, which perfectly solve my problem with the asset.

Extra: The HSBC send the design back claiming the translation they gave was wrong and required me to remake one. With the proper translation sent to us, I carefully put together the banner and sent it back.

With the Banner done it is almost the end of the day, I quickly layout a daft of assets and sent it through, and will come back to finish it on Thursday.

hrs Worked: 8hrs

Total hours: 104hrs.

Link to Work: Drive

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

day12 mar-20

Today I got the feedback for my improved version, They said the second half is all good now, and just needs a little bit of adjustment, however for the top half, they said that it still does not look like it is well bound together, so I was told to improve that more and so I can move on to other work.

With more observation on the reference, I found that should have the asset in the middle, as it is on the side, requiring the use of a curved effect to connect which does not really apply to the smoke effects I’m using. So I repositioned some of the assets and added some relevant material.

Extra: Today I also helped LMG to make their HSBC Ad banner, with various sizes and languages (Chinese, Punjabi, Hindi).

And helped our Managing Director with some other work, They required me to find the listed companies’ Logos and place them in the PPT.

Hours Worked: 8hrs

Total hours 96hrs

Link to Work: Drive

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day11 Mar-16

Today I got feedback from the supervisors, they said my idea is fine but it does make the first half of the template very messy. The variety of colors on the page made the image and the font less visible, they suggest reducing some of the colors and making the total color appear no more than 2-3. And some little adjustments are required for the watch section. They also provided me with the designer’s version for me to get some inspiration, when I had it open, It is found they went with a completely different way of designing. They went with shapes, cropped images, and patterns, meanwhile, Im still sticking with gradients and depth. Although the design inspired me, I still want to try to make the depth and gradient work.

Therefore, I hid all the blurred backgrounds to start with. resulting in the top half section being black now. But I’m a bit lost with the variety of the images so I took a pause and started to browse similar posts to find inspiration. After some browsing, I found this article.

It had a similar design to my desired look, so I decided to start making revolving this article. I added little blurred background and added some smoke effect in the background for some depth, with a bit of rearranging it seemed more natural to me.

With the watch part, I decided to try and mimic the designer’s design, while maintaining it to my style.

The work was barely finished at the end of the day, so I submitted my improved version for some feedback, and think to take the weekend thinking how could it be designed differently next time.

hours worked: 8 hrs

Total hours: 88hrs

Link to work: Drive

Designers Work:

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day-10 MAr-14

Today I was given their latest work, but this time it s something different. This article is for WoS again, but instead of just talking about watches, this article had a little story about a certain individual named Diana Chan. This first half of the article is all about here history. Describing how she became a master chef from nobody.

At the first glance, I had no idea what to do because the image assets they have given me had totally different themes. This is going to be a challenge for me to mix the image well to not make the article template not too out of place and messy.

At first, I had thought to use the image of Diana and blur the background to create the depth that highlights Diana, and I tried to mix the blurred background as a whole to make it and kept the second half as the usual WoS style, but the color I chose was a bit off and looked weird no matter how I look at it.

As learning how to blur the background took me a long time, therefore, I couldn’t improve the second bit of the template anymore, therefore I submitted my first draft hoping to get feedback on Thursday.

Hours Worked: 8 Hours

Total Hour: 80hrs

link to the works: Work

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day9 Mar-9

As my last work got approved by the supervisors, I was given their newest work, and asked me for some feedback, a conclusion and what can I do differently. At the first glance, I was amazed by the transition of the first image as I can imagine it represents the performer’s perplexed transition to a bright shining future under the spotlight. However, as soon as it introduced the 3 celebrities the design of the template looked a bit odd. The big yellow piece ruins the entire vibe to me personally. And the rest of the article is pretty much similar to other WoS Articles, therefore I started to make my own version of the article.

The first thing I wanted to do was remove the yellow bit. I however it is found quickly that the yellow was part of the image thus why the designer had the yellow color separation. But I insist on my decision as I still think it is good to remove the yellow, and I felt like separating the 3 celebrities to have the article introduce them individually. this made me browse way back till my diploma graphic design tutorial to lend me the skill to achieve my goal as hair cropping is very difficult to be done seamlessly. Gladly the image is black and white and my background color is chosen to be black, therefore I can hide a lot of the flaws.

After giving a general layout for the template roughly I decided to add some decorations to the design. With a brief look, the article is way too dark, thus I added a spherical gradient to represent the spotlight shining on each celebrity. And added a golden flow to match the watch’s theme to make the design somewhat luxury-looking. By the end of the day, I couldn’t finish the template as It took me a long time to do the hair cropping but posted the draft on the group chat and received a compliment immediately.

Hours worked: 8hrs

Total hours: 72hrs.

Link to the works:

Designers Work:

Drive: Link

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day8 mar-8

Today we had something special at the start. There are parcels that we need to move to the nearby AU Post for a certain event LMG collaborated with A2 Milk. There were almost 10 big parcels weight around 20kg each, therefore Im required to help.

It really is a unique experience as the studio also has some work like this other than sitting on the chair all day and making things. But It was also painful as we locate at Level 2 and we have no elevators. So we have to carry the box one by one by STAIRS! Plus we only had one trolly that could only carry 2 each so we have to walk to post and back5 times. Gladly it is only about a 3-5 min walk.

After the parcel delivery which took around 5-6 hours, I went back to the work from yesterday and started to make some changes according to the feedback. As I realized having 2 themes in 1 article is a bit abrupt visually for a luxury brand. therefore I concluded the theme of the template with the photo+Film tape only.

After several testing and feedback, I finally got approved for the design.

Hours: 8hrs

Total hours:64hr

Link to Work: Week3-day2

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day7 Mar-6

Today I got a test bt the supervisors, they want me to create a WoS article with the serious proper steps and see how I do. I was a bit nervous as they gave me a certain deadline for each stage.

12:30 pm post all the references.

before today have a draft and post it to get feedback.

The next day before 12:30 pm, finalize and finish.

First I had a brief look at the article draft given with the image I quickly decided that I’m going to use the 1910s french theme of the image for the header and use all the film tape images as the main theme of the post. So I did some research on some other articles and gathered a little element on Canva.

I quickly made up a template design with the use of the asset given and some photoshopping. Thanks to much practice in the past 2 weeks, I managed to gather up the post fairly quickly. I posted the result for some feedback and got a green light! they said the design is good and unique, but I just need to work off the transition a bit better.

Hours Worked: 8hrs

Total hours: 56hrs

Link to the Work Image: Week3-Day1

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Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

Day6 mar-2




At the start of today, I finished the article(Pic1) I was making on Tuesday, the supervisor called us internship students to a room for some specific advice and feedback, the feedback I got was, the visual and font position is ok now, but I need to work on the font size and style a bit more, it is very hard to see on the phone, besides that, I was also told I could take a bit more time to try arrange the asset more as the entire post is a bit too plain.

After the feedback session, we were given another task which makes a poster for the grand opening of POPMART at Chadstone. Apparently, this is only to test our poster-making skills, very less information was given, so I think they were expecting us to do some research and test our creativity.

So it is found that POPMART had this specific model named SKULLPANDA, which has a basic model with multiple variations to be collected. And in this opening, features a new version of SKULLPANDA(pic2) as a statue with a stage for visitors to take a photo with. So I took that entire stage as a reference, and build a poster around that.

However, I thought it was not good to just copy and paste the stage into the poster as it does not show any of my creativity. So I figured, the poster is for advertising, it may be a good idea to do a little hint of the stage instead of advertising it fully, so I made the entire background dark and hid the figure but left some of the features out. The final result was posted to the supervisor and got some positive feedback(pic3).

hours worked: 8hrs

Total hours: 48hrs

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