Day 16 mar-28

The feedback on the last work was given today, They said it is starting to come together, but several points are needing to fix.

  1. The top section looks fine but it is still a bit odd compared to the rest of the article

  2. The asset of the Old TV kind of ruins the article.

  3. Some of the watch asset sizes need adjustment and merging into the background.

Today I worked the entire day improving the design.

Draft_3: Removed the TV asset, and decorated the first section with circles. Adjusted some assets.

Draft_4: Added some Background Bokeh effect, and adjusted the watch assets.

Draft_5: adjusted the Bokeh color, Changed the watch theme to yellow as well. Added some extra effect for consistency purposes.

Draft_6: Adjusted the size of the big assets, and the gap of each text to the image.

Draft_7: added transparency to the top section and size change to fit the theme. Removes the wave effect due to it being the misfit.

Draft_8: I Got told that the watch section lacks a luxury feel. Therefore I redesigned the watch section. Added the Bokeh effect at the top due to it being too blank, adjusted the Bokeh with font position.

Draft_9: Made a Watch asset bigger.

hrs: 8hrs

Total hrs: 128hrs

Link to Drive: Work


Day 17 MAr-30


Day15 MAr-27