Day-10 MAr-14

Today I was given their latest work, but this time it s something different. This article is for WoS again, but instead of just talking about watches, this article had a little story about a certain individual named Diana Chan. This first half of the article is all about here history. Describing how she became a master chef from nobody.

At the first glance, I had no idea what to do because the image assets they have given me had totally different themes. This is going to be a challenge for me to mix the image well to not make the article template not too out of place and messy.

At first, I had thought to use the image of Diana and blur the background to create the depth that highlights Diana, and I tried to mix the blurred background as a whole to make it and kept the second half as the usual WoS style, but the color I chose was a bit off and looked weird no matter how I look at it.

As learning how to blur the background took me a long time, therefore, I couldn’t improve the second bit of the template anymore, therefore I submitted my first draft hoping to get feedback on Thursday.

Hours Worked: 8 Hours

Total Hour: 80hrs

link to the works: Work


Day11 Mar-16


Day9 Mar-9